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Current Classes



Crank In and Spinning Day 1st Saturday each month

Flatbed Machine Knitting Group meets the 4th Sunday of each month 1-3.

Mountain Stitchers meet the first Tuesday of each month 1-3, sign up on their site.

Men's Knitting Group meets the 2nd Sunday of each month 1:30-3:30

Bring your lunch and stay all day.

Classes: No need to sign up, just come in.

Crochet with Jean Tuesdays 10:30-12:00 $10.00 per class.

Knitting with Roberta Fridays 10:30-12:30 $10.00 per class. 

Knitting with Ann Wednesdays 5-7 $8.00 per class.

Crystal's Classes on the 1st Sunday of each month. 1:30-3:30 $20.00 per class..

Where: Friends and Fiberworks LYS, Candler, NC (Go way out yonder, turn on to Brooks Cove Road and it’ll be the big building past the 4th cow pasture on the right :)

Fair Isle - April

Knitting Machine Basics- May

Knitting Machine Punchcard patterning fair isle - June 

Finishing, seaming straight seams - July

Fixing mistakes - August

Short rows - October

Knitting machine Punchcard patterning tuck stitch - September 

Knitting your first sweater - November [2 classes)

Cowls on the Knitting Machine - December

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